ALERT Life Sciences Computing, S.A. Apps

Student 1.1.2
ALERT® STUDENT is an application for all medical students andteachers where you will find thousands of clinical conceptscategorized in accordance with SNOMED Clinical Terms. Create, shareand assess both your concepts and those of students and teachers ofprivileged universities by using this specialized social network.The mobile version of this application allows you to quicklyview all of ALERT® STUDENT's content. Various tools are availableto help you find exactly what you are looking for. When you havefound it, you can assess it and view related content.The ALERT® STUDENT registration process is quick and free.Start organizing your clinical knowledge in digital format now,share it and help us create a connective clinical intelligence.
MyALERT 1.2.2
MyALERT® allows you to create and manage your personal healthrecord in an easy and quick way. View the history and tendencycharts of the several health trackers available for you. Thisservice allows you to document medication, past exams, allergies orother problems so that you can be fully aware of your medicalhistory. MyALERT® also includes body mass index, basal calorieneeds and estimated delivery date calculators. By using the FamilyPack you will be able to monitor your health and the health of yourfamily more closely. You will receive medication, appointment, examand vaccine alerts through our alert system. When you see yourphysician, you will be able to export your health reportsautomatically. This will make the appointment more efficient, willwarn the healthcare professional about possible medication or foodallergies and will avoid unnecessary exams. The Android version ofMyALERT® will allow you to access our health trackers, withdetailed graphs and assessments of your health status and yourfamily's, as well as our calculators. You will also be able to add,edit and perform tasks in the application, both in your account andin your relatives'. Monitor your health and that of your family for20.00€ (Single Pack) or 30.00€ (Family Pack) a year on yourcomputer or your phone.
ALERT® Scheduler 1.2.1
The professional scheduling tool for the ALERT healthcare provider
Start organizing your own health record now.
Health News
Keep up to date with the main news on healthcare!